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Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner

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  Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af , 4/5-2005 18:22 (#161)

Hej Erich
Skulle det være Nortorf lige før Neumunster Smile
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SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af Ghosttrain, 4/5-2005 18:30 (#162)

Nix Grin jeg vil gætte på at du skal ca 30 km længere Nordpå Cool
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Erich (Ghosttrain) Falensteen
Redigeret af , 4/5-2005 19:19

SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af IR4, 4/5-2005 18:31 (#163)

Hej Erich Kommer Denmark 2000 Elektric Wink Til at Gå Til Rødby F OG Frederikshavn OG Århus H OG Esbjerg OG Kalundborg
OG Muenchen Med Venlig Hilsen Thomas Grin
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SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af Ghosttrain, 4/5-2005 18:35 (#164)

Hej IR4
Nej der kommer ikke flere Danske strækninger med. det er kun strækninger med kørestrøm ( Lige bortset fra strækningen til Sønderborg ) der er medtaget. Og München kommer ikke med, det er alt for langt sydpå.
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Med venlig hilsen
Erich (Ghosttrain) Falensteen

SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af IR4, 4/5-2005 19:05 (#165)

Hej Erich Denmark 1.0b :cry: :evil: er ikke god der er ikke Køreledning Det er Der På Pfft Denmark 2000 Elektric Wink Med Venlig Hilsen Thomas
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SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af Ghosttrain, 4/5-2005 19:22 (#166)

Hej IR4
Denmark 1.0b har køreledning, men den hænger bare 6 km oppe i luften. Problemet med Denmark 1.0b er at der er mange strækninger uden køretråd ( Som i det virkelige liv ), så det vil se endnu mere dumt ud med strækninger hvor der ikke er køremaster at køretråden så hænger over sporene alligevel. Sad
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Med venlig hilsen
Erich (Ghosttrain) Falensteen

SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af Holbrook, 4/5-2005 19:40 (#167)

Frankenstein skrev: Hej IR4
Nej der kommer ikke flere Danske strækninger med. det er kun strækninger med kørestrøm ( Lige bortset fra strækningen til Sønderborg ) der er medtaget. Og München kommer ikke med, det er alt for langt sydpå.

Har strækningen til Sønderborg ikke kørestrøm?
Det mener jeg, at den har.
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Hilsen Bjarke Hvass

SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af KimEast, 4/5-2005 22:45 (#168)

Jow det har den ihvertfald!! -- Og ang. at køre uden master og med køreledning i 6 meters højde, kan den fjernes på 1 minut, UDEN man mister 1 meter af den rute man er igang med at køre. Wink Hygge KimE
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SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af , 5/5-2005 01:23 (#169)

Hej Erich.
Hvis vi lige skal lidt længere mod nord, ja så er vi jo i "Owschlag" som ligger lidt nord for Rendsburg, og hvis det er rigtig, ja så er du ca 40% på strækningen fra grænsen til Hamburg. SmileSmile
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SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af Ghosttrain, 5/5-2005 09:54 (#170)

Hej Per

Helt rigtigt gættet, det er Owschlag bortset fra en mindre fejl. På billedet har jeg fået anbragt staionsbygningen i den forkerte side, men det er nu rettet.
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Erich (Ghosttrain) Falensteen

SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af IR4, 5/5-2005 17:51 (#171)

IR4 skrev: Hej Erich Kommer Denmark 2000 Elektric Wink Til at Gå Til Malmø Central Med Venlig Hilsen Thomas Grin
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SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af IsambardKBrunel, 5/5-2005 23:11 (#172)

Sorry but i don't know if english is used on this forum. Wink

I joined because i recently discovered some of the best freeware routes in msts..........

Denmark v1.0b
Denmark 2000 Electric
Northern Denmark

Could someone please tell me what is the difference between Denmark 1.0b & Denmark 2000 ,they seem to cover the same route from Fredericia towards Kobenhavn.

Although i realise they converge here one from Arhus and the other from Flensburg.

Could i also find out what the Patch8 adds to Denmark v1.0b

Many thanks.

Mike. ( West Wales UK ).
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SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af jraaby, 6/5-2005 00:58 (#173)

Hey someone else from the UK Grin

Denmark 1b is an old route (the b denotes beta) which encompasses quite a lot of Denmark - it contains the bottom part of Northern Denmark - plus almost all of Sealand's (Sjæland) regional and commuter lines, as well as some of the mainline from Copenhagen towards Esbjerg/Germany. It also includes part of Sweden, from Malmö (Sven Goran Erikssons' hometown) to Helsingborg, the town on the opposite coast to Elsinor (Helsingør).

Denmark 2000 electric contains only electrified Danish lines, apart from the commuter network around Copenhagen. It goes from Elsinor, through Sealand, Funen and in to Jutland, but it continues from Kolding (where Denmark 1b ends) to Flensburg in Germany, and now it is being built all the way to Hamburg. The route doesn't reach Malmö at the other end, but it does include the bridge between Denmark and Sweden.
The other difference is that Denmark 2000 contains both the old ferry termini at Nyborg and Korsør, and the bridge which replaced them in 1997 (Denmark 1b only has the bridge).
Essentially, Denmark 2000 electric is a much more detailed route (much more detailed than many UK ones) as it was made only last year (and this year), whereas Denmark 1b was built a few years ago. Denmark 2000 was (I think) based on "Seeland Old", also from, which represents Sealand at around 1955.

Signal Patch 8 upgrades the signals and lots of scenery in Denmark 1b, especially in the commuter lines around Copenhagen, which now have much more realistic signalling (simulating the safety system, HKT).

Don't worry about speaking English on these forums - almost all Danes understand it.
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SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af Ghosttrain, 6/5-2005 11:49 (#174)

And one more detail: The tracklayot are much better in Denmark 2000 Elektric Grin I should know, I'have buildt it Grin Grin

A Danish Eurocity train on its way up through the northern Germany

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Med venlig hilsen
Erich (Ghosttrain) Falensteen

SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af IsambardKBrunel, 6/5-2005 12:42 (#175)

Hi guys ,thank you both very much for the information and the help.

I have Denmark2000 installed ,but have only so far run from Flensburg to just north of Padborg.The detail is oustanding,feels like your running on a railway and not just two tracks in a green wilderness. Grin

It is better than any freeware i have seen before,even better than some payware.

I have also run from Helinsborg to Kobenhavn on the Denmark v1.0b route and although i did not realise it was a beta,the station at Malmo and the approches to Kobenhavn look really good.Is this route still being developed as it seems very worthwhile.

I also like SVB ,which is a short run,but well detailed and pleasing to the eye. Smile

I am on dial up ,so the next question is not being disrespectful of the creators ,but are Seeland Old Special and Lollandsbanen worth taking the time to download.At the moment i am downloading the Hungarian Z-Line which has taken 48hrs and still has 13hrs to finish. Grin

Thank you again.

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SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af pedeo, 6/5-2005 14:52 (#176)

Frankenstein skrev: Hejsa
Hvis der er byttet rundt på textures, så er det noget installme.bat har misforstået i Route Riter. Men når jeg får at vide helt nøjagtigt hvad der er galt hvorhenne, skal jeg som lyn og torden fået lavet en patch der retter fejlene. Jeg har nemlig ikke nogen terrtexturefejl selv.

Har detta fel lösts ännu? Jag hittar inget om det bland senare trådar. Jag undrar eftersom jag också drabbats av snöproblemet i den stora utgåvan av Danmark 2000 elektrisk. Likaså flyger spåren och en bro ligger fel. När jag drabbades sparade jag aktiviteten med F2 och när jag sedan laddade den sparade aktiviteten såg omgivningen normal ut igen. Är det överbelastning av datorn? Det hände båda gångerna mellan Odense och Nyborg, ca. 10 minuters körning från Odense, och finns kvar tills man startar den sparade aktiviteten.

Superrutt, förresten! Det är så roligt att köra i grannlandet och jag ser fram mot att kunna åka vidare till Hamburg! En fråga, bara: om jag konstruerar aktiviteter till Dk 2000 el nu, kommer de då att fungera på nya förlängda versionen?
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SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af Ghosttrain, 6/5-2005 15:19 (#177)

Hej Pedeo
Denne fejl er løst delvist. Der er ikke fejl mere i den Tyske del, men fejlen imellem Odense og Nyborg kan desværre ikke rettes. denne fejl er kendt som "whitebug" i MSTS og kan kun omgås ved at gemme sin aktivitet og derefter loade den ind igen.
Teoretisk burde aktiviteter fra en ældre version kunne genbruges i en nyere udgave. Dette kræver dog at der ikke er ændret i sporlayoutet.
Et godt råd er at vente et par dage med at hente en nyere version da der er noget nyt stærkt på vej. Grin
Det vil fremgå af min hjemmeside hvornår den nye version er klar Grin Grin Grin
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Med venlig hilsen
Erich (Ghosttrain) Falensteen

SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af , 6/5-2005 17:06 (#178)

det lyder godt Erich... så er det bare med at holde øje Wink
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SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af jraaby, 6/5-2005 20:46 (#179)

IsambardKBrunel skrev: Hi guys ,thank you both very much for the information and the help.

I have Denmark2000 installed ,but have only so far run from Flensburg to just north of Padborg.The detail is oustanding,feels like your running on a railway and not just two tracks in a green wilderness. Grin

It is better than any freeware i have seen before,even better than some payware.

I have also run from Helinsborg to Kobenhavn on the Denmark v1.0b route and although i did not realise it was a beta,the station at Malmo and the approches to Kobenhavn look really good.Is this route still being developed as it seems very worthwhile.

I also like SVB ,which is a short run,but well detailed and pleasing to the eye. Smile

I am on dial up ,so the next question is not being disrespectful of the creators ,but are Seeland Old Special and Lollandsbanen worth taking the time to download.At the moment i am downloading the Hungarian Z-Line which has taken 48hrs and still has 13hrs to finish. Grin

Thank you again.


Seeland Old Special is certainly worth downloading, especially if you want a Steam-era Danish route (on there is a very large collection of steam locos, but also look on where the P906 loco (in 4 parts - about 16mCool is available - once again outstanding quality for freeware).

Lollandsbanen is getting older now, but there are plenty of activities being built now so it shouldn't be ruled out.

Denamrk 1b development has been "stalled" in favour of Denmark 2000 electric - Signal Patch 8 was the last update to be made (if you downloaded the route recently, it already has SP8 built in).

Anyway, I noticed you are a Making Tracks tester - before leaving UKTS for the Danish community, I worked with a few of its members - and their work is of good quality too (although, looking at the LSE route, DK2000 is more detailed Grin). The nice thing for me about Danish MSTS routes and stock is that Denmark is on a much smaller scale than the UK; the railways are almost nationalised (unfortunately there is an Arriva in western Denmark) and there is still a wide variety of possibilities for activities (though not so much in present day, since the bridges have been opened and international traffic has reduced/become boring).
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SV: Support til Denmark 2000 ALLE versioner
Skrevet af IsambardKBrunel, 7/5-2005 11:01 (#180)

Hi again,

i thought i recognised your sig from somewhere,must have been ukts. Smile

I appreciate the further info and will download Seeland Old Special when i have finished with this chinese route i found ( supposed to be the longest made for TS ). Shock)

After i got fed up with the poor quality of most of the UK routes ,i switched to running purely USA routes and add ons.But in the last few weeks i have been broadening my horizons and downloading a lot of european routes.Stuff i never looked at in the whole 4 years i have had TS.

Denmark2000 Electric ,is the best of some really excellent routes.Although the Hungarian Z-Line is also very well done,even if it is ficticious. Smile

As to Making Tracks,their releases are the only ones i bother with UK wise,due to my beta testing with them.

Thanks again Jens,i appreciate you taking the time to reply.

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