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DanLink 1992

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  DanLink 1992
Skrevet af jraaby, 5/1-2007 01:32 (#1)

Happy New Year/Godt Nytår Tog-Simmers!

I have started work on a large goods activity "DanLink 1992", now that some of my other projects are nearly finished.

The activity begins with shunting in København's Frihavn using MH345, and then you couple to the locomotives and drive the train to Rødby. I haven't decided whether to use 2 MY locomotives or 2 MZ locomotives for the main driving, so you can post in this topic your preference.

I would be grateful if anyone here has a timetable for any DanLink trains from 1990-4 (otherwise I will improvise). It would also be helpful if someone can tell me the types of goods wagon typically in the trains, and how many wagons there were in each train.

(I have the 1992 Publikumskøreplaner and 1994 Regionaltog-oprangeringsplan, that's why I am setting the activity in 1992.)

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SV: DanLink 1992
Skrevet af Tjalfe, 5/1-2007 01:45 (#2)

Hej Jens

Jeg har K92. Er der en bestemt afgang du vil have?

Rettet: Jeg har nu kigget alle Danlinktogene igennem. De viste sig, at ALLE fra Østerport til Rødby F holder ca 45 minutter i Lersøen.
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SV: DanLink 1992
Skrevet af jraaby, 5/1-2007 14:53 (#3)

Here are some more screenshots, from Lersøen where you will exchange your wagons.

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SV: DanLink 1992
Skrevet af carlove, 5/1-2007 23:12 (#4)

Hej Jens !
Jeg mener at have set at lokomotivskifte skete på terrænet langs med Østbanegade, der var oprangering langs med gitteret til Frihavnen, men der var ikke 2 lokomotiver for det jeg har set.
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SV: DanLink 1992
Skrevet af jraaby, 5/1-2007 23:52 (#5)

Hej Carlove,

Thankyou for the extra information.
I will change it to just one MZ IV or one MZ III, because in K92 the train is MZ+1800t. (Although I can't get a 1800t train to fit the tracks at Lersøen).

At the moment the activity is as follows:

1. Move wagon set 1 from Frihavn to Østbanegade tracks with MH
2. Move wagon set 2 from Frihavn to Østbanegade tracks with MH
3. Couple the two sets together and shunt them to the locomotive
4. Decouple the MH and take the train to Lersøen.
5. Swap the train for another one that has been shunted together at Lersøen by the MH there.
6. Wait for the departure signal, and then drive towards Vigerslev...

Does this sound realistic enough?

The activity will be quite challenging - the MH is difficult to use. There will also be some waiting points and red signals to make the activity more interesting.
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SV: DanLink 1992
Skrevet af Anonym Bruger, 7/5-2007 15:38 (#6)

Er du kommet vidre siden sidst jeg spurgte??
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